We are committed to working in an open and transparent manner and place integrity and communication amongst our highest priorities.
Before accepting an assignment we will gain a thorough understanding of a client's objectives and the scope of the work to make sure that our partners and team members have the appropriate skills and experience.
Our partners are assisted by professionals from a range of accountancy and legal backgrounds and we can introduce experienced computer forensics and investigation professionals where needed, for example to secure electronic evidence.
We offer a first meeting or consultation without any charge or obligation. Thereafter we are happy to consider working on an hourly rate basis or on capped or fixed fees.
At the start of a case we will agree with you the objectives of our work and an overall plan for the assignment including the identification of critical decision-making points and the nature and frequency of our reports to you. Our reports might comprise draft or written reports or statements, expert reports, briefings to legal advisors and oral reports or presentations.
We firmly believe that regular and open contact with our clients is an essential factor in the successful outcome of an investigation.
Before accepting an assignment we will gain a thorough understanding of a client's objectives and the scope of the work to make sure that our partners and team members have the appropriate skills and experience.
Our partners are assisted by professionals from a range of accountancy and legal backgrounds and we can introduce experienced computer forensics and investigation professionals where needed, for example to secure electronic evidence.
We offer a first meeting or consultation without any charge or obligation. Thereafter we are happy to consider working on an hourly rate basis or on capped or fixed fees.
At the start of a case we will agree with you the objectives of our work and an overall plan for the assignment including the identification of critical decision-making points and the nature and frequency of our reports to you. Our reports might comprise draft or written reports or statements, expert reports, briefings to legal advisors and oral reports or presentations.
We firmly believe that regular and open contact with our clients is an essential factor in the successful outcome of an investigation.